My Story


The path of an artist isn't typically in a straight line. But an artist is always an artist whether one knows it or not. Eventually they find a way to release that which longs to come forth, whether it be on a canvas, a stage, a book or a myriad of other creative venues.

My journey took me on that around about course to the present because I have held more than one desire in my heart. Drawing and painting was something I did loosely from grade school to high school by creating cards for people using watercolors or pencil/charcoal. My motivation was usually to make something creative for a family member or a friend. Dad had a plethora of art supplies as he dabbled in the artistic realm which gave me access to the necessary tools to play with when the urge came up.

My Dad who was a Mechanical Engineer, but had a very creative side to him that occasionally showed itself through various portrait drawings of the family members and such. However, he did not encourage any of us to go into art as a profession so without a lot of validation for the art world in general, I zoomed into teaching which was an arena I felt most comfortable pursuing.

Fast forward to the present…we now live back in Kailua-Kona, Hi and I have been ramping up the “artist on canvas” that now has time to pursue the dream. My father, taught me through nature’s beauty, to "see" my surroundings with detail and clarity. I am an observer, and a seer of nature, people, colors and detail. I want the observer of my work to see and feel something beyond themself. These cards started on canvases for the home. 

Creativity brings joy as I capture the essence of the subject on canvas. Thus, I hope you come to find what I see externally and internally engaging to you as well. I create from the knowledge that who I am and what that I have is from God. This is where I find my fulfillment, motivation and purpose.